What's New?

WEB: September/2024   

Updated at 9/2/2024

The new version of the DynaPredict Web Platform is now available. Check out the main features you can explore.    

  – Collection Management  

  Now, all the information related to your sensor collections is available on a single screen.   

In the Plant Health area, under the Collection Management tab, you’ll find a centralized view for monitoring the successful transmission of information from your equipment to the Web Platform.    

Use this screen to check which spots are not collecting data, check which gateways are connected and collecting, among other essential information for monitoring.   

At the top of Collection Management, you can choose between the “General” and “Telemetry” filters. With “Telemetry” selected, all it takes is one telemetry collection for the status to be marked as “collected”. With the “General” filter, the spot must have both telemetry and spectral collection to be considered “collected”.   

Finally, it is possible to export the information in .CSV, making it easier to analyze and integrate the data into other tools and systems.  

Access your Web Platform and explore the new Collection Management screen now! 

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